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Whitney Otto


"In the opening lines of The Great Gatsby, Nick's father gives him a piece of advice: "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had." It is this very concept that allows him to feel compassion for a man Nick may not have been inclined to bother even trying to understand. It's a call to open mindedness and the importance of seeing the world as larger than our own little backyard. This is one of this things I love about books."


Whitney Otto is the author of five novels: How To Make an American Quilt, which was a New York Times Best Seller and NY Times Notable Book; nominated for the Los Angeles Times Art Seidenbaum Award, and adapted into a feature film produced by Steven Spielberg. Now You See Her was nominated for an Oregon Book Award, and The Passion Dream Book was a Los Angeles Times bestseller and an Oregonian Book Club selection. Both were optioned for films. A Collection of Beauties at the Height of Their Popularity was a Multnomah County Library selection. Her latest book, Eight Girls Taking Pictures was published by Scribner in November 2012. Her novels have been published in fourteen languages. She was born and raised in Pasadena, California.  


Visit Whitney's website by clicking here.

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